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E-Design Handbuch

European Union project E-Design

Since 2019, CodeDoor has been working on the European Union project E-Design (European Digital Education for Social Inclusion and Global Neighbourhood). In an increasingly global and digital world, ICT skills are becoming more and more important and are required in many professions. The aim of the E-Design project was to promote social inclusion and to aquire or strengthen digital skills in order to combat social inequalities in disadvantaged groups.

It aimed to strengthen the structures of voluntary work in schools and communities to provide digital education free of charge and accessible to all. In addition to the acquisition of skills, there was also the opportunity to socialise in the community, which promotes social inclusion.

During the project, training hotspots were set up in Italy, Greece, Portugal and Germany. In these, courses were held on various topics such as 3D printing, programming or microcontrollers.

International exchange between the individual hotspots was always a priority. In addition to the courses, work was also done on learning videos, course materials and a platform for permanent exchange and learning.

From the respective courses and the associated experiences, a handbook was developed that is now freely available to all interested parties. It contains course contents, instructions for teachers and preparation materials.

Download Handbuch (DE)

December 2th 2021, Your CodeDoor Team